
What I capture. Part I

So what exactly do I capture? I’ve gotten that question a couple of times now, and here is part of that answer…

I like to photograph everything but stretching myself to thin, not always the best ideaI want to be able to capture the best image possible wether for a client or personal work.

Which is why I have chosen to do Portraiture (people/photo studio) and Car Photography. After six years of experimenting with most categories of photography, I feel that these two best show what I enjoy doing with a camera.


Also know as Automotive Photography, I recently became very fascinated for the work that goes into building a car wether stock or built, rather than just the outer shell of a car. I can say because of that and the love people have for their cars I will be showing off just that. Attending car shows, meeting car enthusiast, and even photographing them on a personal basis to give a preview of the car details along with the hard work that is put into it.

No car is off limits and here in the East Coast, Spring is just around the corner. Hope everyone checks back to see what new events and cars 2014 has to offer. I leave you with a few photos that I have done, feel free to go check out the full gallery over my Car Portfolio page.

Thank you, and see you back on the next one!

