VIDEO: Procharged/Nitrous SRT Viper Wants Allllllll The Smoke! | Mexico Streets!

SOURCE: 1320video

This Procharged/Nitrous SRT Viper hit the streets of Mexico for some street rolls with whoever lined it up! #MOPARORNOCAR

“With the looming constraints of time, the Texas Streets are often where new builds get debuted. Racers squeezing in last minute modifications (or in this case, an extra power adder!) just so they can lay claim to their section of the Texas Streets. This particular racer ran his time down to the wire, showing up with a fresh new setup on his Viper completed only hours beforehand. Laying down a cool 1067whp from a beautiful fifth generation Dodge Viper, this racer came prepared with a proper street car setup. Manageable, yet affordable power from a procharger, mated to Vipers 8.4 liter 10-cylinder engine delivering bold power smoothly across the board. All while reserving an additional 300hp on tap in the truck, courtesy of Nitrous Express!”

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